
I believe in allowing seasons of life to take their course, but also celebrating each of those seasons for what they are and how they shape us. I believe in disconnecting every so often in order to nurture real connections, and laughing until you cry. I believe that kindness and love can change the world. 

If that all sounds a bit cheesy, well… it's who I am- a little bit mushy and “such a romantic” as Evan often tells me!

quick facts about me

I believe in taking slow deep breaths before the big moments. I believe in chasing dreams with intention, and reminding ourselves that yes, we can. 

+ Dishes over laundry, any day. Luckily Evan feels the opposite!
+ It's my dream to foster cats and kittens some day, but I'm afraid of getting        attached to every single one of them.
+ Two desserts I can't turn down: mango & sticky rice and bubble gum ice cream.
+ I grew up on the Oregon Coast, but I can't stand seafood.
+ Mornings... I so badly want to be a morning person. I was doing pretty well at this when we were living out of a hotel for three months, but our mattress at home is just too comfortable and convincing.
+ Ireland, Iceland, and anywhere in Scandinavia are next on my list of dream travel destinations.
+ I am trying to be a more 'go with the flow' type of person... but planning, organization, and schedules will always speak to my soul. 

quick facts about me

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In early October 5 years ago, my life changed completely in a matter of seconds when our baby girl entered the world. We waited a long time for our turn to be parents, and sometimes it still feels unreal that she is ours!

Motherhood is exhausting in so many ways (and extremely humbling), but nothing comes close to the heart-exploding love of seeing her personality grow with confidence.


my role

as a mom

We recently purchased our first home, and in the process of renovating and being free to decorate however we like, we’re discovering our design preferences lean toward a minimal, cozy modern feel, with some mid-century elements mixed in. Don't forget plants- lots and lots of houseplants!


my design style

cozy and modern

Evan and I tend to be homebodies when it comes to date night. On a Saturday evening, we’re often found snuggled on the couch with Thai takeout, binge watching our latest pick, and making lists of future dream travel destinations.


my go to

date night in

I grew up in a small town on the Oregon coast- the type of place where everyone knows everything about everybody. By the time I graduated high school, I was more than ready for a fresh start somewhere new. But something about the coast keeps calling me back, and I visit every chance I get. I could spend days watching the storms roll in over the ocean, especially when the line between sea and sky blurs, and you can’t tell where one ends and the other begins.


my favorite

place to visit

"I've discovered that my own "why" has evolved over the past few years. Evan and I have faced the grief of miscarriage and the heartache of infertility that followed. Being patient in our desires to start a family was not easy by any means. On those hard days, I loved looking through our wedding photos, remembering that we promised to stand by each other forever. Seeing how much we believed in our happily ever after kept me believing in it through those difficult years. If I can create something through photographs that gives couples something to hold on to when life throws them adversity, as I do with our wedding photos, then I've truly found my "why."




Evan and I met each other in college, where we were friends long before sparks flew. Our friendship took a new and unexpected turn at the most romantic of all places- a demolition derby. Maybe there is something to be said about raw, unapologetic country entertainment, but from there we were hooked! 

After a couple weeks of puppy-love and butterflies, we met for lunch before going our separate ways for the Summer (or so we thought). Conversing over our sweet pork salads at Costa Vida, we both knew in that moment that this was meant to be a life long love. Surviving on Skype dates and a visit to the coast, Summer came and went, and we were engaged by that September. We’ve found our way back to the Pacific Northwest, and we’re loving the adventures life continues to bring. 

our very own love story

Since so many of you share your stories with us, I figure I should share a little of our own story with you! 

We'd love to hear from you!